Sunday, August 31, 2008

NOT A GOOD WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a good week for me. First I had to have a tooth extracted on Monday because it was abscessed and they couldn't do a root canal. Then Tuesday my back went out, off to the chiropractor I went. I was in extreme pain with my tooth on Tuesday as well, but figured it was just sore and my teeth around the socket were very tender but thought it was probably because the dentist had to work so hard to get the darn thing out of my mouth. Wednesday I had to take my Mom to St. Francis in Peoria for minor surgery, but we were there all day and I was miserable. On Thurs. I went back to the chiropractor for treatment, then on to the dentist to find out I have a dry socket. On Friday I just lie around and felt sorry for myself. Saturday morning I got up at 7:15 and had back spasms so bad John took me to the ER for some relief. They have me doped up with pain killers and muscle relaxers but I need to get myself on the road to recovery come Tuesday. I think the socket has finally turned the corner and I feel sooooooooooo much better in that area of my body. Where are these so-called "Golden Years?" This getting old is definitely for the birds!!!

Thank God for John and our sweet foreign exchange student Henrik. He has been compassionate and helpful. He must wonder what he got himself into. John took him to the first high school football game and he was surprised to see how many people were there. He doesn't quite understand the game yet but we are working with him and will get him acclimated to USA games. But he loves basketball obviously since that is what he plays. Not sold on the Cubs, thinks baseball is boring to watch, like millions of other people. It is a hard concept for me to wrap my brain around but I guess there are people who don't care for baseball or so I have been told?!@#*

Now that I have bored you with my pathetic problems, I wish you all a great week ahead. Hopefully next time I post I will have some happy news. Take care.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Today is the day that I pick Henrik Nielsen up at the airport. Henrik is a foreign exchange student who will be attending Carl Sandburg College this year and playing basketball for the Chargers. He will be living with John and myself. Henrik is 6'7" a height we are certainly not use to in our household. We are excited about Henrik's arrival. It will be nice to have young blood in the house once again. He is coming in at 11:00 tonight into Peoria. It is going to be a late night. I will keep everyone posted on our new experience.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Last weekend Peija turned six years old, it is hard to believe. Here are some pictures from the weekend's events. Jason & Jana held a bowling party for Peija and some of her friends on Saturday. They also had a dance contest for the kids at the bowling alley. They had so much fun and she got such nice gifts. One of the gifts Dad and Mom got her was a set of real golf clubs and bag. Joah enjoyed the festivities as well.

On Sunday we all went to Gatlinburg. It is so pretty there. We all rode the ski lift which was cool because you got such a great view of the Smokey Mountains.

The girls showing off the light up necklaces...

Eating pizza!

Umm that cupcake sure tastes good!

Joah must have thought so, it was all over his face.

Jason helping Joah bowl and big sister looking on.

Peija and her friends warming up for the dance contest.

Lookin' good girls!!

Peija trying out those new golf clubs.

Father and daughter working on their computers.

He loves his daddy!

Looking so grown-up!!! :(

Harley dude!!

Showing off his new Spider Man backpack for pre-school.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Beau and Jen and some friends went to a Mets game over the weekend. Beau has been a fan of the Mets for years. They had a great time. Jen is a David Wright fan so she got his shirt and Beau got some other players shirt. Jen said Beau was so excited. This is the last year for Shea Stadium they are tearing it down and building the new one right next to it, same as they are doing to Yankee Stadium. Funny both teams would get a new stadium the same year.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


We are heading out to Tennessee on Friday (8/8/08) for Miss Peija's birthday on Sunday (8/10/08). Our baby girl will be 6 years old and starts first grade on Monday the 11th. We can't believe how old she is already. Time flies and these babies grow-up doggone it!!! Watch for pictures from the birthday party. They will be coming your way.

Friday, August 1, 2008

THEY DID IT!!!!!!!!

The Cubs swept the Milwaukee Brewers!!!!!!!!!! I know there is a lot of baseball left in the season, but so far so good. It has been and exciting season for us Cubs fans!! GO CUBBIES!!! CUBS WIN, CUBS WIN, CUBS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!