Saturday, January 31, 2009

YeeeeeeeeeHA Rodeo Here We Come

As I said in the previous post we went to the rodeo last weekend at the iWireless. I even wore a cowgirl shirt and cowgirl boots. It was fun. We went with the folks who are on Team Illinois and their spouses. We stayed at the Country Inn & Suites in Moline. Very nice, rooms were quite large. After the rodeo we went back to the motel and they let us have the room where they serve breakfast, and we played cards, ate pizza (like we needed it) and other snacks and had a few cocktails. Before the rodeo we ate at the Japanese restaurant across the street from South Park. I would highly recommend it, the food was delicious. Below you will find some pictures from the evening.

Friday, January 30, 2009


It has been a busy time lately so I haven't had time to post recently. John and I went to dinner and the rodeo at the iWireless center in Moline with his Illinois team members a week ago today. I will get my pictures posted and some news on that this weekend. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Sounds like it is going to warm up some. Yea!!! I need so warmth. We leave for Cancun 3 weeks from this Sunday. Not that I am counting or anything. I can't wait!! Both John and I need some time away for a little R&R.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


With the Inauguration of our new president just a few days away I am curious how many of you are looking forward to watching it. I have set up a poll to the right of the screen above the family pictures, if you wouldn't mind please vote I would appreciate it. Thanks!


As you can tell I can't make up my mind on which background I want. There are so many cute ones to pick from I just can't decide. I need the diversion to keep my mind off this freezing cold weather. Of course today it is much better, 32 degrees as I write this. I hope all of you are staying warm, we've got a whole lot of winter left. I can't wait to leave for Cancun in February.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Dancing with the Stars was amazing. The show was 2 1/2 hours and every minute was entertaining. The costumes were fun, the music was great and the performers were phenomenal! We had such a wonderful evening. Mom loves DWTS so it was fun to see her having so much fun.

Mom and me enjoying an evening together.

Debbie and Mom having fun as well

Our favorite Derek Hough with Kim Johnson

Mark Ballas & Kim

Derek again

Maks & Katrina, yes Katrina is a blond now

Cheryl Burke with Maurice Johnson and Lance Bass with Lacey Schwimmer below

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Mom, Debbie and I are going to see Dancing With The Stars tonight, thanks to the tickets being a Christmas present to me and Mom from Debbie. Hopefully I will get some pictures and tell you what a wonderful time we had. I just wish it weren't so cold, however, it is January and we DO live in the Midwest.

Well, Dancing With The Stars here we come. Do you think I will get to dance with Derek? Yea right!! A girl can dream, can't she? What a cutie though. I hope Cloris isn't there, I had enough of her during the season!

Later folks!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The University of Tennessee's Men's Basketball program is backing a new program called OUTLIVE for cancer awareness. It is in honor of Chris Lofton a UT basketball player from last year (one of the best to ever play at UT) who was battling testicular cancer and kept quiet about it until after the season. They are selling t-shirts for $15 and the money goes to the UT Medical Center for screenings and prevention methods.

This struck a cord with me especially because I recently had a scare with a colonoscopy that I had. I had a cancerous polyp, however, my surgeon feels he removed all the cancer when he removed the polyp. I will be checked again in six months. Then 2 days later my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. The spot on her lung is quite small and it had not spread to anywhere else in her body. She has to have 4 radiation treatments and then we will see after that. She feels fine and has a wonderful attitude as usual. She is amazing. Luckily for both of us our cancers were caught very early. So please have those screenings done!

Here is the link if you would like to read the story about this:

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year to one and all. Here's hoping that 2009 will be a healthy, happy and prosperous year for us all!

New Years Eve was spent with good friends at the home of Tony and Judy Singer. Judy's home is sooooooooo cool, with her being an interior decorator she has it just beautiful. The company was fun as always and the food was incredible. Not to mention Judy's champagne punch, um yummy.

Here are some pictures of folks at the party:

The girls hangin around the dining room table

The guys chillin

Marla McGinn and Karen Lufkin

A Motley Crew

Ed and Cathy Theobald

Lana Grothe looking sexy

Mary Peters and Cathy Theobald