Saturday, January 5, 2008


Happy New Year to you all. Here's hoping 2008 will be GREAT!!! The Shay family is certainly looking forward to it.

The Jason Shay's are busy with basketball, babysitting, kindergarten, sleep-overs, birthday parties, planes, trains and automobiles and did I mention BASKETBALL!!! The VOLS are off to a good start, we hope it remains that way. Jana is babysitting one of the coaches children. Peija is loving kindgergarten. Her social calendar is always filled with sleep-overs and birthday parties. Joah is just walking around smiling all the time and he loves his cars, trucks, trains and of course his BASKETBALL HOOP!! He is quite the little hoopster.

Zach is off to Mississippi to be the new linebackers coach and recruiting coordinator at Alcorn State University. The man is always on the move. Jason says he is going to have a retirement plan in every state. He loves coaching college football, he has tried his hand at 2 high school programs but always goes back to college ball. This one keeps us on our toes as always!!

Beau graduates from Podiatry school in June, so he will officially be Dr. Beau Shay! He is currently doing a 30 day externship in New Jersey. He and his girl Jen are anxiously waiting to see where he will end up doing his residency. He finds out in March.

John and I are busy keeping up with the kids and grandkids. We are going to Scottdale AZ in February on a trip John won through his company. Hopefully we will be going some place cool in March for the NCAA basketball tournament.

Happy New Year - we wish the best to all of you!

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