Monday, May 3, 2010


The infamous Bachelor Party was this weekend in Chicago. The Shay boys were with us all day on Friday which Mom loved and then Saturday was the big event. Matt McGinn was in charge of it and my understanding was kudos to Matt. The guys said he did a fantastic job. They went to the Cub game and had tickets for the "rooftop" across the street. They said the view was great and of course the beer, burgers and hotdogs as well. Then they all went to Matt's for a fabulous supper he had catered in (the guy knows how to do things up, his Mom & Dad are the best hosts so he learned well). Then off to the strip club of course, they rented a Hummer limo so at least no one was driving. A great time was had by all.

On Sunday we at least got to have lunch with Beau and Zach since Jason was up and off to the airport early. We thank God for the time we get with all 3 of them at once, because it doesn't happen very often.

Now it is on to the Wedding. It should be another fun time.

1 comment:

Despedida Soltero said...
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