Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Last Thursday we left for Mississippi to visit Zach and go to the Homecoming game at Alcorn State. Unfortunately the Braves lost 30-29. It was a good game but as we all know it is never fun to lose. But of course the best and most important part of the trip was seeing Zach. We got to spend some time with him on Friday night and then of course after the game on Saturday. But it was back to work for him on Sunday so we started home.

My good friend Cindy Gray went with us and it was fun having her along. She is the most positive person I know along with the biggest heart ever. She is so supportive of our entire family. There could never be any better friend than Cindy. You are the best girl, I love ya.

This was our crazy guy at walk-through on Friday - don't ever change son
Now that is a good looking guy

Father/son look-alikes

Having fun with my son

Zach and Cindy being Zach and Cindy

Having fun at the game

1 comment:

Alyssa Cabrera said...

Love it and to think he just had a birthday!!! i didn't forget to wish him a happy birthday! didn't call him ugly this year. love zach and thanks for bringing him into this world.