Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Beau's longtime friend Zach Davis is getting married November 2nd to Katie Radcliffe at a destination wedding. We will join them for the reception in Chicago on November 8th. It will be loads of fun and we can't wait. Let the festivities begin!!

Last Sunday I went to a shower for Katie at Marla McGinn's. Marla and Karen Lufkin put on a sit down luncheon and it was not only lovely but the food was heavenly. Katie got so many nice gifts. Here's to a lifetime of happiness Zach and Katie!!!

Future mother-in-law Lauri Davis, Katie and her mom

The hostess', Marla and Karen with Katie

Awesome cake

1 comment:

Alyssa Cabrera said...

OK, emily just told me about your blog.... and to think i was missing out on all my shay news... Well, I won't be anymore. So next monday I will not call you and harass you this year on Zach's birthday. I will call and harass him.......